From: johnty on
On 9 June, 10:33, Baldoni <Baldoni...(a)> wrote:

>   I can tickle trout and I know where all the best
> berries and nuts are to be found.  

Is it Sainsbury's?
From: weskremove on
I totally agree with you Aaron. And in my lodge we have MANY catholics.
And to confirm what others have said, our lodge instructs catholics who
petition to speak to their Priest BEFORE they do their EA work, or pay their
dues, or get involved. And our Senior Warden, not only consulted his
Priest, but had the opportunity to discuss it with a Bishop, and he clearly
and definteily said "it was an old problem that has since become less of an
issue, that Catholicism realizes there was never a conspiracy against the
church, and even if there were, it was hundreds of years ago, and that
Masonry is no longer viewed as a threat to the church".... and went on to
wish him well in his endevours.

As a matter or record, several of our current officers are devout practicing
Catholics, and I personally am deeply involved in religious actiivities,
travel and participate in a Southern Gospel Quartet, and would have to say,
if anything, Masonry has been a compliment to my spiritual journey and how I
view various denominations faith traditions.

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