From: Pakistan Meteorological Department on
Red Stripe wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Aug 2010 12:00:50 +0100, "Lawrence Jenkins"
> <lawrence13(a)> wrote:
>>"Diablos Rojos" <diablos_r0j0s(a)> wrote in message
>>>"Lawrence13" <lawrence13(a)> wrote in message
>>>What's your phone no. again Florence?
>>>I know some Asian call centres need some new contacts.
>>Any recommendations?
> Dementia helpline I think will be of use to you Jenkins.

They'd probably just PTSL at his John Inman voice, LOL.

"Entire units of the Metropolitan Police and the Flying Squad and the
drug squad were Freemasons. They all, in the end, were sent to prison.
When you are bonded by an oath of mutual defence and loyalty, you may
well find that it is extremely difficult to squeal on your corrupt brethren"

Martin Short on BBC Newsnight 19/03/01